Orange Lemon Ice Bar

Tropical Juice will make your tongue happy with its sweetness!
Kiwi 100 g, Pineapple 100 g, Banana 100 g, Apple 100 g, Orange 100 g, Honey 30 g
#TIPIf it is too sweet for you, adjust the amount of honey.
- 1. Peel kiwis.
- 2. Peel and core the pineapple and slice into proper sizes.
- 3. Peel the banana and orange.
- 4. Use the apple as is. If it's bigger than the mouth, slice into proper sizes.
- 5. Juice all the ingredients following the instructions.
- 6. Add honey to the extracted juice.
- 7. Drink immediately, or let chill for an hour and then enjoy.
The bromelain in pineapples stimulates bowel movements and digestion, and the vitamin C in kiwis and pineapples is good for anti-aging.
1 cup
174.5 Cal/350 ml
350 ml