Juicing on Your New Year's Diet

After a busy year you might be looking to start fresh. For many people, getting healthy is a top goal for the new year, especially when it comes to eating habits. The keto and paleo diets are still trendy this year, while the Mediterranean diet is a favorite among experts. You might be interested in, or already started, one of these nutrition regimens (after consulting your doctor, of course).
But can you juice on these diets? What ingredients should you use? We’ve taken a look at some popular diets for 2021, and matched them with recommended ingredients and juice recipes.
The Keto Diet
The goal of the keto diet is to enter a state of ketosis, where the body burns fat instead of carbohydrates. To achieve ketosis, participants must follow a high-fat, no-carb diet. Potential benefits of the keto diet include increased energy, mental focus, and weight loss.
If you’re trying the keto diet, you’ll want to stick to juicing low-carb vegetables and limit the amount of sweet fruits you juice. Try using mint, ginger, or bell pepper to add sweetness. If you need to add fruit, make sure it’s a low-carb fruit like ones listed below.
Cow’s milk is no-go on keto because of its natural sugar. Instead, drink pure plant-based milk.
Best ingredients to juice
spinach |
berries |
basil |
lemons |
More keto-friendly recipes to try: Multivitamin Juice, Bell Pepper Juice, Blueberry Sorbet, Almond Milk.
The Paleo Diet
The paleo diet attempts to recreate the diet of our cavemen ancestors, a time before the agricultural revolution. The paleo diet primarily consists of meat, fish, fruit, and vegetables. Refined sugar, dairy, legumes, and grains are off-limits. Potential benefits of going paleo include reducing the risk of Type 2 diabetes and heart disease, as well as weight loss.
As with the keto diet, it’s best to limit the amount of sweet fruits you juice. Because dairy and grains are not allowed on the paleo diet, nut milk is a popular paleo-friendly dairy alternative.
Best ingredients to juice
spinach |
berries |
herbs |
cucumbers |
More paleo-friendly recipes to try: Cashew Milk, Red Vitamin Radish Juice, Avocado Ice Cream, Blue Orange Juice.
The Mediterranean Diet
Ranked the #1 diet by U.S. News & World Report, the Mediterranean diet is based on the eating habits of those living in countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. Staples of the Mediterranean diet include fresh produce, nuts, fish, whole grains, and olive oil. Red meat, sugar, and saturated fat are limited.
The Mediterranean diet is designed as a lifestyle change rather than a temporary diet, and social eating is highly encouraged. Potential benefits of the Mediterranean diet include cancer and diabetes prevention, heart health, and weight loss.
No fruits or vegetables are off-limits with the Mediterranean diet, but we’ve selected some for Mediterranean-inspired juices.
Best ingredients to juice
tomatoes |
zucchini |
grapes |
pumpkin |
More Mediterranean-friendly recipes to try: Pomegranate Juice, Tomato Juice, Fennel Healing Juice, Beet Lemonade.
The DASH Diet
DASH—Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension—was created by researchers to lower blood pressure without medication. To achieve this, the DASH diet emphasizes low sodium intake and encourages foods high in potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Like the Mediterranean diet, the DASH diet is a long-term dietary change.
Fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products are staples of the DASH diet. Also included are whole grains, fish, poultry, and nuts. Small amounts of fat, red meat, and sweets are allowed. Potential benefits of the DASH diet include lowered blood pressure, heart disease prevention, diabetes prevention, and cancer prevention. It can also aid weight loss.
All fruits and vegetables are on the table with DASH, but focus on juicing ingredients with high amounts of potassium and magnesium.
Best ingredients to juice
kale |
sweet potatoes |
carrots |
oranges |
More DASH-friendly recipes to try: Indipink Juice, Carrot & Celery Juice, Green Spinach Juice, Pumpkin Seed Milk.
Fruits and vegetables are always on-trend, no matter what year it is. You can enjoy these recommended juices for their flavor and health benefits—without subscribing to a specific diet.
Have you tried any of these diets? Are there others you’re interested in? Let us know on Facebook and Instagram.